5 things I wish I knew before becoming a VFX Artist [presentation]

This summer I did a presentation ‘5 things I wish I knew before becoming a VFX Artist’ for DevGamm Vilnius 2023.

I didn’t do a technical talk, but rather a very soft one. Mental health, doubts, patience… that sort of thing. I talk about my experience of how I shifted my career into games and what it’s like to do it while living in a small country with fewer opportunities. Something I wish I knew before starting out! Hopefully, it will shine some light for other folks in a similar situation and for those who are starting out in VFX, tech art or just switching careers in general ✨

Topics that I go over:

  • Doubting yourself is a waste of time;
  • It takes more time and patience than you imagine;
  • Listening to your gut is ✨essential✨;
  • Don’t stress over tools and techniques;
  • It’s OK to get help and ask stupid questions.

You know, I chose the shorter timeline for the presentation but I really wish I took the 45 minute one. I really wanted to elaborate more on some topics but I really did not have the time to do so. I feel like some of the topics will be needing a revisit in the future. But hey, at least the hair was on point 💅

I also thought I wouldn’t be so anxious this time but I was wrong – voice is cracking again and looks like I was out of breath, enjoy 💀

Until next time,
Paulina 💖