How to create a slamming AoE [presentation]


I recently presented how I created three ‘area of effect’ effects for an upcoming indie title ‘Treasure Tile‘. It includes three versions of the effect: basic, ice, and poison. I also shared some of my workflows and secrets behind the process. I mention the different tools I use for texture creation, shaders (shader math included!), and 3D meshes. It’s beginner-friendly and I hope you will enjoy it and get some inspiration from it!

Overall I really enjoyed the experience of presenting and sharing what I did, and even though I look quite anxious on the stage I really felt that I was handling it at the moment 😁 It was very cool to see that I a lot of people enjoyed it and understood what I was talking about. A few lessons were learned and I hope the next presentation will be even better.

Until next time,
Paulina πŸ’–